"For a web page without links is like a frobozz without
smeelix..." - Anonymous
All links alive as of 02/12/2005
General Web Resources
- Google The current king of search engines.
- Google Newsgroups AKA Deja News - The best way to find old Usenet postings.
- Altavista Used to be the best until Google came along
- Yahoo Another classic: search the Web by topic.
- Linux Information Information about Linux, the free Unix clone that's taking the world by storm. Click on the "Visit Linux" icon at the bottom of the page for another Linux page.
- Linux kernel source tour A hypertext reference to the Linux kernel source (created with GLOBAL.)
- Linux Gazette "The Gazette is a compilation of basic tips, tricks, suggestions, ideas and short articles about Linux designed to make using Linux fun and easy."
- ibiblio.org FTP The Site Formerly Known As Metalab (which was the Site Formerly Known As SunSite) - Repository of most things Linux.
- LyX LyX (pronounced "lick") is a semi-WYSIWIG front-end to the LaTeX document processing system.
- avifile/aviplay A library (with example programs) to play .avi files on Linux using Windows codec DLLs.
- Ghostscript et. al. Convert your dot-matrix printer into a PostScript printer!!
- POVRay A freely available ray tracer. The lava lamp at the top of my page was rendered with POVRay. Go to my ray tracing page to see more examples of my POVRay work.
- Jargon File Definitions (some humorous) of computer jargon.
- Seiko/Citizen Forum
- WatchUSeek Home of the Poljot Forum and the Invicta Forum
- Poor Man's Watch Forum
- TimeZone - what exactly makes a watch tick?
- Tom's Hardware Guide Hardware reference for motherboards, CPUs, overclocking, etc. If you have a x86 computer, visit this site!!!
- System Optimization Another hardware and overclocking site.
- AnandTech Hardware reviews and information.
Interesting People
- A Boy and His Computer Ryland Sanders
- Steph the Geek Stephanie Pakrul
- The Dilbert Zone Everyone's favourite geek.
- The Unofficial Pink Panther Page A page dedicated to His Royal Pinkness. Sounds, images, etc.
- WWWF Grudge Match Could John McClane take on the Death Star? Could CHiPs catch the Bandit before he makes it over the Nevada border? Would the Borg assimilate the ID4 mothership? The answer to all these questions (and more) are at this site.
- Asociación Venezolana de CF y Fantasía
- alt.callahans
and #callahans alt.callahans and #callahans are a
Usenet newsgroup, UnderNet IRC channel and Freenode IRC
channel based on "Callahan's Place", a ficticious bar
described by SF author Spider Robinson in his
"Callahan's Place" books and dedicated to the following
philosophy: "Shared pain is lessened, shared joy is
increased. Thus do we refute entropy".
You can often find me on the Freenode IRC #callahans under the nick theWW1FlyingAce.
If you want to join us, point your IRC client at irc.freenode.net port 6667 and join channel #callahans.